Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Garden Notes

A very dry winter in Mountain View so far in 2011-12, but bountiful veggies emerge nonetheless. Broccoli fresh from the garden is noticeably more tasty and tender than any I've purchased, even from the farmer's market. It's so much fun to watch the cabbage grow from leafy plants to hopefully tightly curled cabbages. I'd never grown most of these vegetables before. But now that I understand you just have to start the plants before the ground gets cold, I plan to grow a winter garden every year. And homemade Garlic Fire Sauce organic spray successfully killed off aphids that afflicted our broccoli during the rainy October. Here are some January images:

1 comment:

urban artichoke said...

Nice pics Mary! I seemed to struggle with having a really nice winter garden, but I haven't given up.
Can you post the web site for the homemade bug spray you used?

You can just post it in a comment...